Become a Friend of the Order of Sen-Taur for free

Join the free Outer Order of the Order of Sen-Taur and step into a world of ancient wisdom and magick with like-minded friends.

join the outer order of the order of sen-taur to begin learning spells and magick today for free

Enlightenment, Growth, Knowledge, Community

We know how tough it can be to find good mentors and a supportive community– a place where you belong.

That’s why we at the Order of Sen-Taur are here for you!

Our Outer Order level was created in the spirit of being inclusive, supportive, and building strong connections.

You don’t have to be a fully-fledged initiate to get involved – anyone looking for a group or coven of like-minded magickal folks is welcome!

And if you’re already part of our Order, our Outer Order is a great way to bring your family in to share the journey with you.

Are you seeking like-minded pagan, occult, witchy, wicca, magickal community like these two witch boho women singing to the trees in an ancient forest.
Are you looking for a place to grow like this woman training to be a witch and priestess with a white sage smudging ceremony.

Membership has it's benefits

    • Membership Card – PDF
    • The ability to take the full version our Intro to Sen-taur course and receive our certificate membership in The Outer Order of the Order of Sen-Taur upon completion. 
    • A physical newsletter, the Hermetic Sentinel.
    • Access to Groups in Social network: support for the intro to Wicca and Intro to Sen-Taur course, Tarot help, and many more chances to learn from and get to know our members.
    • Access to the Knowledge Base, calendar, and the full website.
    • Stay up-to-date on the current cosmic energies with our astrology resources.



    Join the Outer Order and begin the journey to your true potential.

    And it’s free!

    Just click the button below to join.